When you learn that you require a dental extraction to improve your oral health, you may initially have some misgivings. After all, there are so many restorative dentistry treatments available to offer support and repairs, you may wonder if the removal of your tooth is necessary. First, we would like to reassure you that we […]
How Do You Protect Your Smile On Thanksgiving?
How do you celebrate Thanksgiving? If you plan on gathering with friends and family then you’re most likely looking forward to a big meal. While feasting and visiting, be sure to be aware of how sugary foods and drinks can endanger the health of your smile. You can take steps to protect your smile this […]
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5 Ways Crowns Restore Smiles
As part of our approach to restorative dentistry we may recommend a dental crown. Made from a variety of materials, this restoration returns the tooth to optimal function and appearance. There are a number of ways crowns restore smiles, from repairing damaged teeth to aiding in the replacement of lost ones. […]
Do You Need A Filling?
Do you have an aching tooth? If so, then you may have a cavity. Without treatment, this seemingly minor issue could threaten the health and stability of your tooth. In order to treat the problem we may recommend a dental filling. Do you need a filling? Do you have decay that requires treatment? […]
3 Ways To Restore Your Smile
What happens when you chip a tooth or develop serious tooth decay? To avoid discomfort or other complications you may need a restorative treatment. Restorative dentistry involves procedures designed to return the function and appearance of a tooth. There are a number of ways to restore your smile, including lifelike crowns and dental fillings. […]
What Is Children’s Dentistry?
What is children’s dentistry? Many people don’t realize that children need to see the dentist as soon as the first baby teeth arrive. Afterward, kids must continue to see the dentist regularly, just as adults do. Regular visits and preventive treatments can help promote a lifetime of healthy smiles and good dental habits. […]
Why Do We Need Checkups and Cleanings?
Be honest: When was the last time you saw the dentist for a routine exam or to have your teeth cleaned? Why do we need checkups and cleanings? Many people believe that with proper brushing and flossing these visits are simply unnecessary. However, these preventive visits can protect your smile from serious oral health concerns, […]
Are There Treatments For TMJ?
If you are wondering if there are ways to treat TMJ then you are already familiar with it. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint and is often used interchangeably with TMD, which stands for temporomandibular joint disorder. TMJ disorders can develop for several reasons including trauma, strain, and teeth/jaw misalignment, but the reason may not be […]
Why Bruxing Can Be A Pain
Bruxing is the habit of clenching and grinding your teeth together. Most everybody bruxes at one time or another, but chronic bruxing can be a pain. Many people only brux at night and may not know. Mild bruxers may not show any symptoms. However, those who brux nearly 27/7 can experience head, neck, shoulder, jaw, […]
Why Choose Veneers?
Dental veneer treatment can be an option for anterior teeth when professional or over-the-counter whitening systems are not effective; when your teeth are showing wear due to bruxing (the habitual grinding and clenching of your teeth); when one or more of your anterior teeth have been chipped, cracked, or broken due to trauma or wear; […]