Are you less than pleased with your teeth? Do you look at them in the mirror and think something is wrong. It’s nothing major but… Perhaps you need some simple touch-ups to brighten your smile and/or fix some minor cosmetic imperfections. Are there even treatments for that? Definitely. With the variety of cosmetic treatments available […]
When You Least Expect It…
You can’t go through life worrying about accidents or emergencies but sometimes they do happen. When a dental emergency happens regardless of whether it is day or night, you want relief. An apparently healthy tooth can begin to throb unrelentlessly in the middle of the night. You may lose a filling while eating lunch at […]
The Denture Dilemma
When you were a kid did your grandparents wear dentures? Did you think when you reached their age that you would need dentures too? Now-a-days people are keeping their original teeth longer. They take better care of them, many water supplies are fluoridated which helps reduce cavities, and there are treatments for periodontal disease which […]
Your Smile Is More Important Than You Think
Research has shown that the first thing people notice is your smile. A smile is a form of positive communication and expression. The old saying that a smile can “warm your heart and open doors” is true and not just for humans. Did you know that your smile is even important to dogs? Although up […]
How Much Do You Know About Dental Sealants?
Has your dentist suggested sealing your child’s teeth? Do you know what that means and how it is done? Dental sealants have been around since the 1960s, but they are not very well-known. In fact, less than one-third of American children have had their teeth sealed. Sealants are a great way to prevent your child […]
Nothing Is All Bad
Do you love chocolate? It is commonly held that chocolate is bad for your teeth. Chocolate is full of processed sugar and when sugar remains in your mouth after eating it attracts pathogenic oral bacteria. These bacteria turn sugars into acids that eat away at your teeth causing cavities. But what if chocolate contained something […]
Has Your Tooth Earned A Crown?
Crowns are a common dental treatment. Crown placements can save badly decayed or damaged teeth. Millions of people are walking around with crowned teeth and you probably have never noticed. At one time crowns were all-metal so they were noticeable, but today they don’t have to be. All-metal crowns are still used for certain treatment […]
The Anatomy Of A Tooth
You spend a lot of time and money taking good care of your family’s teeth. Do you know exactly what you are caring for? In other words, do you understand the anatomy of a tooth? Knowing tooth anatomy can be beneficial just as knowing the anatomy of your body comes in handy time and time […]
The Importance Of Dental X-Rays
Due to the fact that radiation exposure can cause cancer, x-rays are controversial. However, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) seven out of 10 people receive medical or dental x-rays on an annual basis. The use of x-rays is regulated in the United States. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the production of […]
Nature’s Own Pacifier
Young children develop many habits to calm themselves, and one of those habits is thumb sucking. In fact, infants even suck their thumb in the womb. You may have caught your baby with their thumb in his or her mouth during a sonogram. If your baby is sucking his or her thumb before birth it […]