Last week, we looked at how tooth loss can impact oral health. Today, we’re looking at common questions we receive regarding the benefits of dental implants. We can use these prosthetics to provide strong and long lasting tooth replacement. […]
Does Tooth Loss Lead To Poor Oral Health?
We know that losing a tooth can impact your appearance. People who experience tooth loss often feel embarrassed about their appearance. However, losing a tooth can also lead to poor oral health. Missing teeth can impact everything from alignment to facial structure. […]
5 Tips For Protecting Your Teeth This Halloween
Halloween is just a week away! While kids and adults both enjoy dressing up and binging on sugary treats, we should all be aware of the risk this holiday poses to our smile. Without the proper steps, the odds of developing cavities can increase. Fortunately, there are ways of protecting your teeth this Halloween. […]
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How Does Bonding And Contouring Work?
When a tooth becomes damaged we always urge the patient to see us right away. We believe that treating the issue quickly is the key to avoiding complications, such as decay or possibly an infection. In order to restore a tooth, we may suggest bonding and contouring. How does bonding and contouring work? […]
How Do You Avoid Baby Bottle Syndrome?
Have you ever heard of baby bottle syndrome? If you’re a parent, then you need to understand what causes this issue and how to protect your child’s smile from it. Also known as baby bottle rot or baby bottle decay, this issue can lead to cavities and other serious oral health concerns. […]
Will Veneers Benefit My Smile?
If you have problems with intrinsic discoloration or the shape of your teeth, then you need cosmetic dentistry. We can offer a thin and lifelike restoration to address an array of cosmetic concerns. Will dental veneers benefit your smile? How will this unique restoration be placed? […]
How Do You Achieve A Brighter Smile?
How do you feel about your smile’s brightness? If you wish your teeth could be whiter then you may benefit from cosmetic dentistry. We offer a number of professional teeth whitening options as part of our approach to cosmetic dentistry. We can also offer tips for reducing the severity of future teeth stains. If you […]
Should You Try Cosmetic Dentistry?
Do you feel unhappy with the appearance of your smile? If so, you’re not alone. We frequently see patients interested in improving their smiles’ appearance, whether that means brightening teeth or reshaping them. To improve smiles, we offer an array of cosmetic dental treatments. Should you try cosmetic dentistry? […]
Do You Need A Checkup And Cleaning?
Unfortunately, even the people with the best dental habits don’t see the dentist as often as they should. We recommend our patients see our team routinely for checkups and cleanings. Even if you brush and floss every day, these preventive visits are essential for safeguarding your smile against serious oral health concerns. Do you need […]
Why Does My Jaw Hurt?
Do you frequently encounter soreness or pain in your jaw or face? In many cases, this discomfort may be related to a jaw joint issue, such as TMJ disorder or bruxism. Understanding why your jaw hurts can allow a dentist to prescribe the most appropriate treatment options and restore your smile to full function and […]