Preventing oral health problems such as tooth decay and gum disease is a task that requires the discipline of a daily oral hygiene routine. While brushing and flossing your teeth each day removes bacterial deposits that create these oral threats, regularly visiting your dentist is necessary to provide a professional look at the efficacy of […]
How Porcelain Veneers Enhance Your Smile
Has a lifetime of constant use begun to leave a mark on your smile? As the years go on, your enamel may erode from exposure to acidic foods or as a result of decay. Hard foods or physical injuries can cause minor chips and cracks to form on the surface of your teeth. When these […]
The Protection Of A Dental Crown
It can be quite alarming when you experience an injury to one of your teeth. Physical trauma can cause a painful break or chip in your tooth’s surface and expose its insides to the outside harm of oral bacteria. Sometimes plaque and tartar formations create severe cases of tooth decay that can greatly alter the […]
Is Bruxism Changing Your Smile?
There are many reasons why a person’s smile can change over time. One is that you can experience visible wear and tear that alters the shape of teeth, something that can occur at an earlier age when you deal with bruxism. This habit of grinding and clenching your teeth can cause erosion as well as […]
Know Your Needs With An Exam
The routine cleaning and examination of your smile is a tool that helps to strengthen your oral health regimen at home. If you skip your appointments, you do not have the assistance of a qualified provider guiding your treatment, and can allow your issues to continue. You could have blind spot in your brushing, allowing […]
Quick Results Before Your Big Day Photos
When a significant event pops up in your life, you could be searching for solutions for your smile. Sometimes, these occasions can happen without giving you enough time to plan for extensive repairs. In these instances, there is helpful cosmetic dentistry that can give you a brighter smile before your event. From weddings to graduations, […]
Vibrant Opportunities For Your Smile
Osteoporosis affects many seniors as general bone density starts to decrease after the age of fifty. This condition is often noticed after seniors take a fall and injure a joint. The intricate nature of your smile makes this condition particularly damaging; as you age, take the necessary precautions to keep your oral health at a […]
Your Reliable New Bite With A Dental Crown
The failure of a tooth can feel disheartening. After all, once you are an adult, your teeth do not regrow or even repair themselves. Enamel damage can sometimes occur with even the best home oral hygiene. When you crack or break a tooth, it is important to see a qualified dental care professional as soon […]
Energize Your Life With New Porcelain Veneers
Our teeth can become damaged or worn due to a variety of reasons. Physical trauma is always possible, as we are constantly using our mouths to chew and to speak. A slight miscalculation when chewing something can leave your enamel with a chip that looks and feels ungainly. This situation can become dangerous to the […]
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Creating New Year’s Resolutions For Your Smile
Have you started thinking about your New Year’s Resolutions? If so, you should remember your smile! With a few simple changes to your daily routine, you could significantly improve your oral health. In today’s blog, your Garland, TX, dentist talks about making resolutions that boost your overall oral health. […]
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