6850 N Shiloh Rd., Ste. C, Garland, TX 75044

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How We Save Smiles With Tooth Extraction

garland tooth extraction

When a tooth is damaged or infected beyond the ability to be treated with a restoration, or if you have wisdom teeth soon to erupt, then you need a tooth extraction. Our team can safely and gently remove teeth to protect your smile. In today’s blog, your Garland, TX, dentist talks about tooth extraction.

When Teeth Require Extraction

As we touched on above, when a tooth is too damaged to be treated with a restoration, or decay or infection or beyond care with fillings and crowns, then extraction could prevent the spread of infection. We could also remove wisdom teeth before they erupt, as these additional molars could cause painful partial eruptions known as impactions, as well as infections, damaged teeth, and misalignment. Teeth could be removed to make room for orthodontic treatment or to make room for a set of dentures.

Planning the Tooth Removal

To begin, our team will take detailed digital x-rays so we can obtain clear and high-definition images of your jaw, and assess the position of the tooth requiring removal, so we avoid contact with nerve tissues, sinus cavities, or blood vessels. Our team will also administer a local anesthesia and sedation to ensure you are comfortable and in a relaxed state, even if you have dental anxiety.

Extraction and Recovery

In many cases, the tooth removal could take as little as 30 minutes. We will gently take out the tooth with a pair of forceps, and then we suture the area closed. A friend or family member can bring you home, as the sedation takes time to wear off completely. We will provide prescriptions for any necessary medications, and also instructions to help the area clot and heal. We can remove sutures in a follow-up visit. In the meantime, take antibiotics and painkillers as prescribed, and eat only soft foods for the first 24 hours. Rinse gently with warm salt water after each meal. Rest, change your gauze pads regularly, and avoid tobacco products. You should also avoid using straws or poking the site with your tongue. Be gentle when you brush and floss, and avoid mouthwash with alcohol.

If you have any questions about how we protect smiles with a tooth extraction, or if you want to schedule an appointment to see if you need wisdom teeth removed, as they tend to erupt in our late teens and early 20s, then contact our team today.

Learn More About Our Restorative Treatments

Our team can comfortably remove a tooth to protect your smile as a whole, so schedule an appointment by calling Mai Dental in Garland, TX, today at (972) 530-0552. With restorative dentistry, we can help return your smile to optimal health, function, and beauty once again.

Dr. Mai and her team provide excellent patient care to prevent dental conditions from developing. We monitor your smile with checkups and regular cleanings incorporating advanced technology.
To treat and transform your smile, we can offer fillings and crowns to restore your smile to optimal health, function, and beauty.
We want to help your smile shine with professional teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and one-visit bonding and contouring procedures.
Our advanced dental technology allows us to provide you with less-intrusive, more precise care.