Bruxism is a disorder that impacts many of us, and could lead to grinding and clenching on a nightly basis. The pressure on your smile could eventually begin to crack or chip teeth, leading to issues like tooth decay or even dental infection. To put a stop to your teeth grinding and protect your oral […]
Category: Preventive Dentistry
End The Year With A Healthy Smile
Did you know that in a few days, 2020 will be ending, which means time is running out to use your dental insurance benefits before they expire at the close of December? In today’s blog, your Garland, TX, dentist explains the importance of scheduling routine six-month checkups and cleanings, and why you should make one […]
Avoiding Cavities After Thanksgiving
In a week many of us will be preparing for our Thanksgiving celebration. While the day will look very different than other years, that doesn’t mean we won’t still indulge in our favorite meal options. However, many of these favorites are high in cavity-causing ingredients, such as sugar and starch. In today’s blog, your Garland, […]
We’ve Made Changes To Keep You Safe
Our team understands that many people have put off routine visits to the dentist out of concern about the COVID-19 pandemic. However, your Garland, TX, dentist also knows that without checkups and cleanings, and routine care for toothaches or sore gums, very serious complications could arise that may even lead to tooth loss! To ensure […]
A Popping In Your Jaw Could Mean TMD
When your jaw frequently pops and clicks, this could mean you have a serious disorder caused by imbalance. TMJ disorder, also known as TMD, could lead to difficulty opening and closing your mouth, and serious complications like bruxism. In today’s blog, your Garland, TX, dentist will explain how we treat issues like TMJ disorder with […]
The Health Risks Of Untreated Bruxism
Bruxism refers to the chronic grinding and clenching of the teeth, a habit that occurs mainly at night and for many, could lead to broken teeth and aching jaws. In today’s blog, your Garland, TX, dentist is going to outline the dangers of ignoring bruxism, and what the long-term impacts could be. We’re also going […]
Schedule A Back-To-School Visit
Whether you or your children will be heading back to school online or in-person, we suggest setting up your checkup and cleaning visit before your schedule becomes too hectic! A preventive visit helps ensure families in Garland, TX, and surrounding communities return to their education with stronger and brighter smiles! […]
The Importance Of An Exam And Cleaning
We want to see patients of all ages every few months for a checkup and dental cleaning. Even if you brush and floss daily from home, you still need to see our team for preventive visits, as this allows us to keep an eye on your oral health and keep major oral health issues from […]
We’re Talking About Gum Disease Prevention At Home
Without routine care at home, your smile could not only become vulnerable to common issues like tooth decay, but also to gingivitis and gum disease. Since your gums frame your smile and keep your teeth securely in place, their health is crucial for your smile’s function and beauty. In today’s blog, your Garland, TX, dentist […]
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Can I Avoid Serious Discoloration?
While we’re at home, and our office is open only for emergency dental visits, professional cosmetic treatment is out of reach. However, that doesn’t mean our Garland, TX, patients must contend with serious teeth stains. In fact, we have a few ideas to help you reduce the severity of stains, and improve your oral health […]