When you are confident, other people around you notice. If you have stains on your teeth or blemishes that make your smile appear uneven, it could make you feel insecure in your smile and lower your confidence. The team at Mai Dentistry in Garland, TX, can help disguise these imperfections with a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure. In our blog today, we’re here to talk about the benefits of bonding and contouring.
The Causes Of Stains On Your Teeth
Our pearly whites can become discolored over time due to various reasons. Some of our favorite drinks, like coffee or tea, can stain our teeth and make them appear yellowed. Habits like smoking cigarettes can also lead to discoloration. Additionally, genetics and aging also play a role in how vibrant your smile appears. It’s normal for your smile to become less white over time, but you may want to improve it before a special event or to boost your confidence. If the stains occur on your enamel, we may be able to remove them with a professional whitening treatment. However, if the stains are intrinsic, they cannot be removed and can instead be concealed.
How Bonding Can Help
Cosmetic bonding involves adding composite resin to areas throughout your smile that are stained or blemished. This material can also be used for restorative purposes, such as when used to fill cavities. Composite resin is a lifelike material that easily bonds to many surfaces, making it a great option for patients who want to correct small gaps between their teeth, surface-level chips, stubborn discoloration, and other problems. We may recommend cosmetic bonding for patients whose teeth do not respond to professional whitening services. Since professional whitening treatments can only break down stains on your enamel, any blemishes within the inner layers of your teeth cannot be removed. Instead of feeling insecure about these imperfections, we can help minimize their appearance with composite resin.
Reshape Uneven Teeth With Contouring
In some cases, your main concern is not discoloration or blemishes but instead is jagged or uneven dental structures. We can help reshape your pearly whites with dental contouring. With this process, we will remove a small amount of your tooth to create a more even appearing shape. This can help your pearly whites appear more balanced. Contouring may be beneficial for patients with pointy canines, jagged surfaces due to injuries, and more. We also offer porcelain veneers which can help address discoloration, blemishes, and unevenness. You can discuss your cosmetic treatment options with your dentist to determine what the best method for your needs may be.
Schedule An Appointment With Our Team
Our team is here to help you feel more confident in your smile. To learn more about cosmetic bonding and contouring, call Mai Dentistry in Garland, TX, today.