6850 N Shiloh Rd., Ste. C, Garland, TX 75044

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Boosting Smile Beauty In One Visit

garland bonding and contouring

Did you know that we can often improve the beauty of your smile in only one visit? With dental bonding and contouring, we can transform the shape and color of the teeth in a single appointment. In today’s blog, your Garland, TX, dentist talks about boosting smiles in one visit with bonding and contouring!

Your Cosmetic Consultation

To get started, we want to understand the factors behind your cosmetic imperfections and assess the severity of them. With a dental exam, we can take a close look at your teeth with advanced imaging technology, looking for issues like tooth decay, or wear and friction that could indicate TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). Understanding these factors means we can take actions to stop them, and so we can plan cosmetic treatments designed to mask or correct these imperfections, so you can smile with confidence after only one visit.

The Dental Bonding Procedure

The dental bonding procedure uses the same composite resin as our tooth-colored dental fillings. The material is a metal-free blend of acrylic-like and glass-like particles, which can be shaded to blend with your smile and offer a natural appearance. The material can bond with the tooth and offer improvements that last for years to come. The application process involves numbing the tooth to keep you comfortable as we clean the tooth and gently etch the outer surface. We then apply the shaded composite resin in several layers. We then sculpt and mold the tooth as the composite resin cures beneath a light.

The treatment takes one visit and can mask permanent teeth stains that might otherwise resist traditional teeth whitening procedures. Our team can also close gaps between teeth, including black triangle spaces. The placement process can repair minor chips and cracks and reshape malformed teeth too. We could also help improve overall bite balance too!

Cosmetic Contouring

The contouring procedure also addresses multiple cosmetic imperfections, but does so with a very different approach. Instead of adding new materials to the tooth, our team will gently sand and buff the outer structure to correct common imperfections. For example, our team can smooth away grooves, pits, and rough patches in the outer surfaces. We can dull sharp, jagged, and pointed portions of the teeth. Contouring can also address overly large or misshapen teeth, and correct the appearance of minor chips.

If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry, then contact our team today to learn more.

Learn More About Our Approach to Cosmetic Dentistry

If you want to learn more about the cosmetic treatments we use to improve the appearance of your smile, then schedule an appointment by calling Mai Dental in Garland, TX, today at (972) 530-0552.

Dr. Mai and her team provide excellent patient care to prevent dental conditions from developing. We monitor your smile with checkups and regular cleanings incorporating advanced technology.
To treat and transform your smile, we can offer fillings and crowns to restore your smile to optimal health, function, and beauty.
We want to help your smile shine with professional teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and one-visit bonding and contouring procedures.
Our advanced dental technology allows us to provide you with less-intrusive, more precise care.