6850 N Shiloh Rd., Ste. C, Garland, TX 75044

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Making Sure Your Family Brushes And Flosses!

garland brushing and flossing

Do you and your family take time to properly brush and floss your teeth each day? If not, you could be susceptible to bad breath, teeth stains, cavities, and even gum disease! In today’s blog, your Garland, TX, dentist talks about how to help your loved ones take better care of their smiles from home with brushing and flossing.

The Risks of Poor Oral Hygiene Habits

Lack of daily brushing and flossing, or doing so improperly, means you’re not removing stray particles left behind by the foods and drinks we consume. These particles, especially the ones from food and drinks high in sugar and starch, will be broken down by harmful oral bacteria. This process not only causes a rise in oral acidity, but will coat the teeth in a sticky layer of plaque buildup, which hardens with time into tartar. This buildup could then make teeth stains more visible and increase the risk of bad breath. But your smile is also now more susceptible to tooth decay, gingivitis, and even gum disease. Which is why daily care is so important for people of all ages, from children to adults.

Brushing Your Teeth Properly

You can choose a manual or an electric toothbrush, just as long as you take time to brush for two minutes twice a day. You should do so in the morning and then again before bed, and approach your teeth with the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle, so you can clean the tops and sides of your teeth. Use crucial motions for the front facing sides of your smile. We recommend a toothpaste that contains fluoride, as this ingredient helps strengthen the protective layer of outer enamel.

Taking Time to Floss

Every evening before bed we also need to floss. Again, this is beneficial for kids and adults alike. Children and those with limited dexterity may benefit from a pick, but everyone else can use tape. Use a 20-inch length of tape and wrap each end around one of your thumbs, and hold it tight with your index fingers. Run the tape up and down each side of every tooth, and dip below the gum line in a “c” motion, which removes trapped particles a toothbrush cannot reach. Then adjust your grip to use a clean portion for your next tooth.

Ready to Enjoy Good Oral Health Again?

We would like to make sure you and your entire family know how to care for your smiles from the comfort of your own home. To learn more about helping your family achieve better oral health, then please schedule a consultation today by contacting Mai Dentistry in Garland, TX at (972)-530-0552. You can also find our practice at 6850 N Shiloh Rd, Suite C Garland, TX 75044.


Dr. Mai and her team provide excellent patient care to prevent dental conditions from developing. We monitor your smile with checkups and regular cleanings incorporating advanced technology.
To treat and transform your smile, we can offer fillings and crowns to restore your smile to optimal health, function, and beauty.
We want to help your smile shine with professional teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and one-visit bonding and contouring procedures.
Our advanced dental technology allows us to provide you with less-intrusive, more precise care.