Hormonal fluctuations can affect a woman’s dental health. Surges and depletions of the normal amount of varying hormones can affect the body’s response to toxins from plaque buildup. Unfortunately, this leads to higher rates of periodontal disease (gum disease). Garland dentist, Dr. Vi Mai will explain hormonal irregularities and their link to gum disease for female patients.
Gum Issues from Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal imbalances can occur at any time in a woman’s life, making them more susceptible to oral health problems. Starting with puberty, surges of progesterone and estrogen occur, increasing blood flow to the gums. When a woman is at another phase in life, progesterone-based birth control pills can do the same sort of thing, inflaming gingival tissue and exaggerating the body’s response to plaque.
When young women reach the age of maturity, some degree of swelling in the gums and slower production from salivary glands can occur on a cyclical basis. Pregnancy also presents a hormonal rollercoaster – perhaps the most intense in a young woman’s life. Quite a few pregnant women battle with periodontal disease between the second and eighth months (i.e. the majority) of their pregnancy. Finally, menopause can bring with it dry mouth, which can heighten risks for tooth decay. Bone density is also at risk for decreasing, which can lead to gum recession.
Battle Hormonal Gum Issues with Oral Hygiene
To avoid issues of gum disease as a result of hormonal shifts, brush and floss diligently. Choose a tooth paste that contains fluoride, and seek an antibacterial mouthwash recommendation from your dentist. Visit your dentist twice a year for a dental exam and cleaning. Avoid complex carbohydrates and sugar to reduce plaque buildup. If your saliva production is substantially low, and extra hydration isn’t alleviating the issue, ask your dentist about other possible treatments for dry mouth.
About Your Garland Dentist
Has someone in your family shown symptoms of teeth grinding? To learn more about treatment and prevention for bruxism, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Vi Truong-Mai, contact us at (972) 530-0552. We welcome patients living in and around Garland, Murphy, Plano, Frisco, and across the Dallas area.