The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released information at one point in time stating that one out of every two Americans over age 30 has some form of periodontal disease. This means that roughly 47% adults in the United States falls somewhere in the range between gingivitis (early gum disease) and periodontitis (advanced gum disease). Since periodontal disease correlates with age, the disease rate tends to be greater in senior citizens. It’s believe that about 70% of adults over age 65 have severe gum disease. Are you doing everything you can to prevent this pervasive dental issue?
Explaining Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease (the clinical name for gum disease) is a chronic inflammation and infection affecting the gum tissues and supporting bones of teeth. When left untreated, gum disease can lead to loosening of the teeth and eventually to tooth loss. Researchers have determined that periodontal disease is also likely linked to other systemic health conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as well as Alzheimer’s and even pre-term labor.
Periodontal Disease Symptoms
Much like hypertension, gum disease can be silent until much worse symptoms start to show, such as periodontal pockets and loose teeth. One obvious sign of gingivitis is bleeding while brushing or flossing. Other signs of periodontal disease include swollen gums, bad breath, a metallic taste in the mouth, and receding gum tissues. You can try to prevent gum disease by maintaining healthy habits and good oral hygiene. Visit your dentist for check-ups and cleanings twice-a-year. Brush, floss, and rinse twice-a-day if possible. Once periodontal disease has developed, it can’t be cured, but there are treatments to keep it from getting worse.
About Mai Dentistry
At Mai Dentistry: Mai-Truong Vi H DDS and our team offer you confident, compassionate dental care. Our goal is to help you achieve a bright, beautiful smile. For our patients who don’t speak English, our office is fluent in Spanish and Vietnamese. To schedule an appointment, call today at 972-530-0552.